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Thibault de GIALLULY Temple de la nature

The artist

Thibault de GIALLULY 1987

Thibault de Gialluly was born in 1987. He lives and works in Paris. His assemblages are mental territories, puzzles often bringing a dramatic vision of the world. Like labyrinths, it seems difficult not to get lost in his scattered creations. With a gesture that is sometimes frantic and yet meticulous, Thibault de Gialluly does not try to frame the eye. He always takes us to dreamlike and provocative worlds.

The exhibitions Group Show Rainbow ranch hand at the FRAC in Dunkerque, Hidden Garden at the Cité internationale des arts in Paris as well as Double Je at the Palais de Tokyo, allowed us to admire his work in 2016. In 2017, his work was exhibited at the Triennial of Contemporary Art in Cur (Armenia). He participated among others in the exhibition De(s)rives in the Marché couvert de Beauvau in Paris in 2019. He is represented by the Aline Vidal Gallery in Paris.


The artwork

Temple de la nature 2015

The Temple of Nature is an imposing cylindrical building. The complex structure is composed of eight floors and some sixty windows. Tuscan columns with scrolled and composite capitals are found here. Pilasters also decorate the architecture. On the ground floor, a frieze can be seen behind the capitals. The artist was inspired by ancient Greek temples. However, the building is also invaded by various windows. Brackets also make up the modenature. The building is accessed by a staircase, which ends with an antique pediment. Drawn with a black felt-tip pen, the artist has applied a fine and careful line. The text “Temple of Nature” names the building; a sort of title that perfectly illustrates the luxuriant vegetation on the entire façade and pays tribute to the original name of the Ideal Palace. Although delicately crafted, the residence thus seems abandoned. This proliferating flora will soon cover the building. It brings a certain poetry, and Man, absent from this work, will be able to see volutes and capitals disappear while letting himself be bewitched by this nature which, from then on, takes its rights.